Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Web woes...

Attack on the net starts in Canada

Bell Canada and Telus have shown what the attack on the web will look like. Bilderberg let us know they will be attacking net neutrality, when Bill Gates and the Google CEO attended their annual meeting this year. We will be asked to accept the censorship of the net, where they will restrict which sites you visit and charge fees for emails. Canadians will be the test market for a system that will be turned global. It is now up to Canadians to hand the new world order their next defeat, on the heels of the Irish success with the Lisbon treaty.

Be vocal now, as they will try and introduce these totalitarian initiatives within the next few weeks. No matter how they paint the picture, the true goal is to take away our freedom and choices. I suggest everyone send their members of parliament letters to stop the stripping of your freedoms. If we allow this, it is not much longer before the jackboot will be coming down on our heads.

Corporatism is a different name for fascism or Nazism. The power of the people is the strongest force and they need our cooperation to accomplish any of their goals. When the people stand up and say enough is enough the globalists will have to come into line or lose their power, which is the people.

Let us hold the bloodline families responsible for the genocide of the aboriginal children at the residential schools. Let us dismantle their “landed aristocracy” trust funds and distribute it to the families in Canada. There will be $100,000.00 for every family and still billions to clean up the mess they have left in the ecosystem. Let us gather our minds together as one and send a clear message to the N.W.O. and their minions. We will have our freedom and you will be defeated by the forces of truth and justice, starting right here in Canada.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength.

thahoketoteh of Kanekota


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