Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Truth and Reconciliation

Seek the truth, and it will set you free. The dirtiest secret in Canadian history is finally coming home to roost. Will this truth finally be taught to the children in the educational system? CBC is the least “corporate controlled” media network in Canada and last night they aired the dirty laundry of the ruling elite. The genocide that is the core of Canada’s inception. It started long before the death camps were built. It started before the “Masonic” takeover of the east coast (American revolution). It started in 1609 with Champlain’s invasion of Ticonderoga which broke the “great peace” between the Huron and the Iroquois.

Turtle Island was at peace for 1000s of years before the Europeans brought the incessant war back here. The ancient “Babylonian” tactic of dividing people into opposing factions and financing war between both sides, was put into play then, by the ruling “elite” families. All of the European monarchies were related by blood to the Babylonian tyrants of the first empire. Their system of mind control and people herding was exported to North America and was the beginning of colonial empire.

The Great Peace of Montreal in 1701 was supposed to be the ending of the bloody 92 year return of war. We invited Britain to share Ontario with us through Gushwenta, the goal was to live in perpetual peace within the egalitarian principles of the Kayanerakowa, the basis for our history of peace on turtle island. Our chiefs noted the families that ruled Europe were all related and were not interested in peace on earth, after their visit to Queen Anne’s court in 1710.

The aristocrats then came here as the “governors” of the new empirical structure to oversee the secretive agenda of their tyrannical masters. Their system was successful because they attacked the individual mind through the disconnection to the natural world. They imposed artificial time through their clocks and calendar and they cut down the forests completely, starting in the eastern areas. Their system of propaganda through religion and media, worked very well in Europe and was implemented here as well.

King George financed both sides of the American revolution and engineered the market economy, to replace the failing monarchial systems in Europe. The bloodline families own all of the central banks in the world now and are playing this system on the world now, through the banks, markets and food control. They have always thought they were the masters of us all by the “divine” right to rule story, that is the basis of their claim to power. When the people remember their natural ability to use their own minds, we shall reclaim the power of the collective mind and we will eclipse all of the technological “advances” of these control freaks. This is the source of true power and the greatest fear of these tyrants.

Reconciliation can only be based on truth. Can you handle the truth?

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of kanekota

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Enough is enough!

We all remember the "police provacateur" incident at the SPP meeting at Montebello. It showed clearly how the police act as the worst criminals out there. That was the SQ and now we see the same earmarks of a staged provocation at Tyendinaga by the OPP. If you have not seen the video at Montebello here is the link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St1-WTc1kow

On Monday we received information that the developers were going to Deseronto to restart their illegal development on Mohawk land. About 20 Rotiskenrekete showed up to stop the illegality and no developer or builders showed, but there was 250 heavily armed SWAT team cops and a train of ambulances. The setup. Were they going to start killing us enmasse?

Our men retreated to the quarry and the police trained their paramilitary force on them and are still there now. They have all the modern military training and implements to commit murder against anyone who stands up to the virtual senate. The true rulers of the corporation called Canada.

Historically, the ruling elite have been trying to kill the Mohawks since their arrival here. They definitely do not want their "citizens" to hear about freedom, democracy, human rights for all. That would mean their control of the people would diminish. This is another in a long line of outright thuggery committed by the police and military against the indigenous peoples of turtle island. When will the real police of Canada take notice and realize that it is the higher ups in their police departments that are the committing heinous crimes and fabricating charges on innocent people to cover their illegalities. We are sure there are still some true officers of the law out there, we all look forward to the day they start arresting the true criminals and the true terrorists. We have all heard of the 100 monkey syndrome.

People of Canada please send emails to your representatives in parliament to show your concern about the state of the police, or the police state that we are all living in now. We do not want any more of our men to be murdered by these thugs. They are not operating on any legal basis rather they are like the street gangs and mafia, that they pretend they are fighting. Here are some email addresses Mr. Harper pm@pm.gc.ca Mr. Dion Dion.S@parl.gc.ca Mr. Layton layton.j@parl.gc.ca also contact your local reps and tell them enough is enough, and you will not be a part of the continuing genocide, as that makes you complicit in it.

Our constitution is open to all who choose to follow the white roots of peace to their source. So if you do want to be free of this tyranny, all are welcome to join us and get back to the WE. Canada has no constitution and they have broken all the treaties that make them a legal country. You can become a part of the oldest participatory democracy and the first united nations on earth. That is your own choice.

We all want peace and justice for all.

thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Thursday, April 24, 2008


In 1609, Samuel de Champlain was lead to the Mohawk village of Ticonderoga by his new allies the Wendat (Huron). He provoked a state of war that lasted until “The Great Peace of Montreal” in 1701. Because the Huron had lead him to our village, they were guilty of breaking the Peace and the Iroquois nation engaged in total war with them.

The royal courts of Europe all trace their bloodline to Queen Samirimis (Statue of Liberty) and King Nimrod of Babylon. Their method of mind control (government) was to get people to fight with each other while they sit atop the hierarchal pyramid, like an all seeing eye. No wonder Europe has never known peace as these “cousins” had them continually killing each other. When King Louis declared war on us he boasted he “would wipe the Iroquois from the face of the earth”. We are still here.

When we invited Britain to share Ontario with us through the principles of “Gushwenta” (two row), I am sure there was a celebratory dinner between these cousins. It is still the same today with these families. Now they are the monarchs through the financial systems, running the markets worldwide. The economy was the preferred method they adopted to deal with us after the Great Peace in 1701. Now the unsustainable economy is imploding in it’s death throes. These families (Illuminati) also control every country’s central bank. It is money that drives the markets and they control all the money, so they also control corporations globally through their “self-designed” system of control.

The old Babylonian tactic of “problem, reaction, solution” is in play right now in the economic structure. First you create a problem that will get a reaction from the people. Then you offer a solution to the problem that you created, when the people demand it. The economic solutions they offer will all ensure that their ancient goal of world domination will be met. The deliberate downfall of the US dollar is for their introduction of the Amero, their solution to the problem. We hear top illuminist Al Gore, preaching about the need to get a global government to tackle the carbon problem. When the scientists agree that none of the ‘inconvenient truth” portrayals are good science.

People, we have to find a new way based on egalitarian principles. Every one has the right to freedom of thought. Let us think together for the coming of true peace between each other and the environment. On this planet we all have the same mother, she is the earth.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength.
thahoketoteh of kanekota