Saturday, November 10, 2007

Windmills and the OMB process

The following video was shot at my appearance before the Ontario Municipal Board this past July. I went there to try and work within the system set up by the corpogov of Ontario. Under the decision/order no. 2230 dated August 9, Mr. Jackson states that "Thahoketoteh has come to the wrong forum to advance a land claim. The Board has authority under the Ontario Municipal Board Act to decide questions of law when they are related to planning matters."

As you will see in the video I never mentioned land claims at all but I did mention the Haldimand contract and Canadian Hydro Developers(CHD) breach of it. The Ontario government and Canadian government have shown us they never had any intention of ever following any law that concerns indigenous people.

I asked the prime minister to show me in the constitution where is the provision for UNTS 1021 and I quote, "The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3." I never even got a reply on that email.

Instead I was informed that to fight this order, that is contrary to international and constitutional law, I could only seek refuge in the Canadian legal system and that would cost roughly $80,000.00 In the meantime CHD rushed to put up another 69 windmills ignoring their responsibility to us the true landowners. Backed by Ontario and Canada's inaction.

I'll let everyone judge the legality of this action for themselves. Watch the video
to the right on this page.

When will the rest of the people learn that they are next to have their rights trampled by the corporatocracy.

Unity, Strength, Peace
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Check and get a copy of Power and the Peace


Mr. Harper is a supporter and promoter of the SPP, the second step in the one world government that has been sought by the ruling elite for millennia. When looked at closely, this deal is for the security and prosperity of a few families at the expense of everyone else. That the whole thing has been shrouded in secrecy and closed door meetings is on the public record. The mainstream media has been silent on this issue until true patriots bring it to the spotlight and then they do the “conspiracy theory” spin on it, as the media is owned by these same families.

These families have been ruling the U.S. and Canada through the economy, from the start. Their first step toward realizing this goal, was the genocide of the “Indian” nations. They were not able to murder all of us so the next goal was assimilation. The “reservation” system was set up and forcefully put into place to give these families a favorable PR face, so the rest of the immigrants and the international community would not hold them accountable for mass murder and ecocide. But we are still here and still trying to teach the way of peace and brotherhood. Many of the immigrants are waking up to this truth of American history and to our ancestral teachings.

The U.S. is now the “fourth Reich” with the same families who created the third one running it. That bonesman Bush’s grandfather made his fortune working with the Nazi bank in America, is on the public record. Lincoln, McKinley and Kennedy were all assassinated in their office of the presidency, for suggesting they would eliminate the control of these money changing families. If you keep going back in history you will see the same families when Jesus entered the temple of Solomon and described it as den of thieves. The estimated wealth of the Rothschild family is 600 billion dollars. So in this new world we live in it matters not what race, religion or creed you belong, only if you are rich or poor. There are only a very few that are rich, the rest of us are poor and expendable.

Collectively we can defeat this evil, it is the only way our grandchildren will be able to continue our DNA memory into the future. These families have been inbreeding for so long it is no wonder they have corrupted DNA and are truly the worst type of madmen in earth history.

The true power lies in the human mind as we are all unique aspects of creation and have the ability to communicate directly with it. Open your mind, it is you that you are waiting for.

I recommend Alex Jones new movie

With unity of mind through the natural law, comes great strength.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Friday, November 2, 2007


In my time spent here in the headwaters (Kanekota) I have met some wonderful people who understand the importance of this area from an ecological perspective. I have also met some not so wonderful people, who place the dollar above everything else. The waters start here and flow north, south, east and west. The deforestation that took place around the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the precursor to the corporate exploitation that threatens our future generations now.

The corporations are owned by a few people with little moral conscience. They do not care where they extract resources from, whether Canada, Asia, Africa, Middle East, etc. as they will not be dealing with the mess they create for our grandchildren to deal with. In the late 19th century in Kanekota there was a movement to create water power from the natural flow that mother earth provides. The method was to build a mill in an area, clear cut all the trees and then move to another area and repeat the same process. The predominant theme was “progress” , job creation and a little bit of electricity to turn on a few light bulbs. When the technology became obsolete the mess was left in the rivers for our grandchildren to deal with.

Many of you have read my writings on the poison Pine river in Hornings Mills. This is a century old problem that none of the corporations want to acknowledge or correct. Including the biggest corporation of them all, Canada. Now we can see history repeating itself with these windmill generating corporations lining up to exploit the wind, all in the name of “job creation and electricity”. In my dealings with the “corporatocracy” regarding these corporations, it has become apparent that they will wreck the environment until wind power becomes obsolete and then leave their mess for our grandchildren to deal with.

There is a plan to extract limestone from the earth on a massive scale, it is in the Melancthon planning department now awaiting approval. The money to fund this enterprise comes from the international bankers, disguised as local business people wanting to “create jobs” to power the economy. A little bit of history repeating?

When will the people wake up to the fact that they are participating in a pretend democracy. They are ruled by a new breed of royals who control all decision making with money. The people believe they are free and do the bidding of heir masters under the guise of freedom and democracy. This is the ultimate form of slavery, where the slaves do not realize what they really are.

The people of Bolivia woke up to this reality when Bechtel owned all water rights in their country. The money-changing families wanted every person to pay them for every drink of water. The Bolivians showed the corporatocracy what “power of the people” can accomplish. They should be an example to all the people whom really do want freedom and democracy.

The Kayanerakowa shows us that no person can tell another person what to think. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought. With this as a basis, through the diversity of each individual perspective, comes great strength . The same is true in the natural world with the millions of species each doing their part for the good of the whole. In theory this would be the way for our earth family. In practice we have a small group of money-men trying to tell all the people and the other species what to do.

Open your mind to the truth of our situation, set yourself free.

I am me, I am free.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota