Monday, December 31, 2007

Peace Council

Kayanerakowa or “Council of the great peace” is 117 rules to allow the people to live in perpetual harmony with each other and the natural world. We were given this formula to pass to the people of the world and end all war. That is why we call our men Rotiskenrakete or “one who carries the burden of peace”

We can agree that all the species are interconnected as one earth family. When we grasp this truth and open our minds to it, then we will know the power available to us all, through the natural law of the universe. Non-verbal communication between each other, the animals, birds and plants is just the beginning. Travel through time and space with thought, is the potential. The awakening of the people’s mind is happening now on a planetary level, as the time for peace on earth is approaching fast.

The ruling elite do not and have never wanted peace. They control the military/industrial complex through the financial system, war equals profit and power for them. The word Government means “to control the mind” and the Kayanerakowa teaches us that every mind is unique and important to the whole. Every child has the right of free thought and the responsibility to use their own mind instead of allowing others to control their thoughts. Through the education system they mould our children’s minds to follow them on this disastrous path of self destruction, in the name of economy.

This artificial world we are living in now is by design, to cut us off from the natural world where we draw our strength. The ruling elite came here and first attacked the forests, cutting them completely down at least 3 times now. Then came the genocide of the buffalo, 65 million of them murdered in a few short years. Then the poisoning of the waters and air through chemical pollution. On the Georgia guidestones they have carved their ultimate goal of depopulation of 80% of the people. We should know how serious they are as our population shrank from 130 million to around 30 million in the first 300 years. We think they have accelerated their agenda for the rest of the people of the world and they will use their guns, germs and steel more swiftly on you. The ones who promote war and genocide, all trace their blood to thirteen families.

Through their hierarchal control system they can control every aspect of democracy with money. Is this democratic? We think not. We have been guarding the formula for peace for 1000’s of years now, our responsibility is to spread the peace to the world. Our ancient symbol is the tree of peace, it has the great white roots of peace that go in all directions. All are welcome to follow the roots to their source and embrace the peace with us

Unity, Strength, Peace.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter Solstice

Today marks one of the most important days of the year, the winter solstice. The word solstice comes from Latin sol(Sun) and sistere (stand still), the phenomenon creates the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. The sun will stay at its lowest point in the sky for 3 days until the 25th of December when it will move 1 degree north. Signaling the birth of the sun on its rise to bring spring and warmth. We can see how this date applies to the birth of Jesus (the son), the latest in a long line of solar messiahs (Christ) with the same dates relating to the son‘s allegorical birth.

The bright star in the East signaling the birth, is Sirius. The three wise men that follow the star to find the son are “the three kings” also known as Orion’s belt. They will line up and point to where the sun will rise (be born) on the 25th of December. When we are all celebrating Christmas (Christ mass) let us understand the allegory behind the story.

Before TV, radio and print were in fashion our ancestors watched the night sky. How often do we look up at the stars now? We probably are too busy watching our favourite TV show to even consider looking at the magnificence of the universe. The key to understanding our connectedness is to look at the night sky. To understand that each star is a sun with planets orbiting it, makes us feel very small.

The earth is our mother, the sun our eldest brother, the moon our grandmother and the stars our cousins. The creator is the father of all and connects us to the universal family. When we use this knowledge properly it becomes very easy to eliminate the concept of war. How can we keep buying into the concept of killing our brothers and sisters. The time for peace is approaching fast. The alternative is war and its nature is neverending. Who are the people promoting murder and ecocide so vehemently? One needs only to follow the money trail to find motive.

The money changing families (new world order) have financed both sides of every war in the past few centuries. War is full of profit for the moneymen. We think when the men in the military and police understand how they are being used to enslave themselves, they will wake up their comrades and the warmongers will be out of business for good. Then we could enter into a true time of peace on earth.

Is that not what Jesus stood for?

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Are you Ready?

Project for Peace

In this beautiful land we call Canada we see people as diverse as the landscape living together , exchanging ideas and learning from one another. We have representatives of many different nations here living in peace for the good of the entire world, so our actions are known to all. We are in a unique position to promote real peace and that is why the “Project for Peace” was formed in Nanaimo. Our mandate is to spread the message of peace to the world and we invite everyone to join us. It is time, so let us stand as siblings and plant the tree of peace, so it can spread over the entire world.

We are a diverse group bound by music and a solid objective. “Project for Peace” founders are Bob Kopiyka, Paul Manley, Monique Raap, Michelle Cornwall and Thahoketoteh. Our first recording will be available soon for download and I ask you all to stay tuned for it’s official release. It is a good song about the power of the people and is called “we are still here”. Your support of our premiere song will be a feather in the cap of peace.

That we formed on Vancouver Island is a testament to the social conscience of the islanders in the west. I think the awakening of the social mind is well underway on Vancouver Island and they will help everyone else to arise from the slumber. Let us look at the trinity as Mother Earth, Father Creator and you the child. Open your mind, it is you that you're waiting for.

The return of the peace is imminent . Are you ready for it? Join us .

With unity of mind through the natural law, comes great strength.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota