Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Democracy Now

Since the arrival of the Europeans on our shores they have been asking “where is your leader”. They had no concept of “power of the people” as they had been conditioned for millennia to follow the leader. When the founding fathers of the U.S. needed a model for their experiment in democracy they chose the Kayanerakowa as their preference. Our constitution is based on equal rights for all living things. It is truly of the people and for the people, all the people of the world, it is about the peace being spread to the world. For the benefit of the entire earth family. They superimposed a hierarchal “president” over the egalitarian principle of our constitution and now we can see the results of that mistake.

That the U.S. was born of war and has been involved in them continually, is on the public record. We see now in the current era, they have no intention of ever achieving peace. When you have a hierarchal structure and you add economy, the people with the money can control the hierarchy. This we know as the Owista disease. A disease of the mind where the priority shifts from we to I. Now most people on the planet suffer from this ailment. It is the root of the war problem.

The question that everyone should be asking is, how do we get back to the “we” and heal our earth family? The most obvious start would be to stop killing our brothers and sisters in the name of economy. To offer acknowledgement and respect to the natural world. To live in harmony with each other and all our relations in this earth family.

Let us make this new age we are moving into, the age of peace on earth. It is the only way we can assure our grandchildren’s safety and security. Unless all of the children of the world are factored into the solution, we will still have the possibility of insecurity for our grandchildren. Instead of saying “maybe” let us start saying “we will“. Then we Will have peace on earth.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Corporatocracy

If you want to see how the corporatocracy (new world order) really works I suggest you read “Confessions of an economic hitman” , by John Perkins. Although John has no personal knowledge of North American indigenous activities by the Corporatocracy, he shows their M.O. and it paints a more clear picture of what has been going on behind the scenes here.

The N.W.O.’s procedure is to send in the EHMs first to a country, to try and make the rulers play the game according to their business plan. If that does not succeed they send in the jackals, whose job is to commit assassinations that create an opening for another leader who is more favorable to the corporatocracy. If that does not work they send in the military to complete the job.

Let us think back to 1990 before the Oka crisis hit. There was much work being done by the EHMs to persuade the Mohawks to accept the casinos through financing by the bankers (masquerading as private corporations). When that did not work, in came the Jackals and assassinated two Mohawk men at Akwesasne. The man the S.Q. put in charge of the murder investigation was none other than Corporal Lemay. When he found that that the murder weapon was purchased at a gun store in Quebec with an SQ cheque and was going to expose the conspiracy, the botched SQ raid at Oka was implemented. Incidentally Corporal Lemay was the only casualty of that raid after being placed up front and taking “friendly” fire. When that raid failed in came the army and you all know the rest.

I found this scenario eerily similar to the tactics discussed in Mr. Perkins work. If we fast forward to the present I find the situation at Caledonia to have the same EHM earmarks. All of a sudden a new group shows up called the Haudenosaunee Development Authority trying to persuade the people to play the game according to the business plan of the corporatocracy. We can assume that the lawyer representing H.D.A. is in a similar role as an EHM. We wonder what the Jackals are planning now? If they fail we wonder if they will send in the army?

We need more men like Perkins to expose the true nature of the N.W.O. and pass on the knowledge to the rest of us. When we all wake up to this truth of the real motif behind these international trade agreements, we can collectively put a stop to it. True leadership is by the people, of the people, for the people. The goal of the Corporatocracy is fascism at it’s finest.

Take back your power, that is your ability to think for yourself. Stop the SPP before it goes any further.

Unity, Strength, Peace
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thrown? speech

Throne Speech

Democracy in Canada is in need of a complete overhaul. The pomp and pageantry of the governor general acting like the queen, sitting on a throne and making a speech that was designed by Mr. Harper’s spin doctors, reminded me of a colonial era that is supposed to be gone. That it was made in the senate chamber only adds to the hypocrisy of Canada’s claim to be a great democratic country.

Out of the 105 senators in the chamber only one is elected. The rest are appointed by the sitting PM. Since only the liberals and conservatives have ever formed the government they each appoint a senator that will tow their party line. The senators hold half the lawmaking powers in Canada and they only answer to the billionaires who run the economy. No wonder John Macdonald was knighted by the monarchy of England for creating such a system. The British billionaires remain in control while the people think they live in a free and democratic country. This is the real reason Canada never had a war with England for their apparent independence.

The Canadian taxpayer pays the bill of the senate, yet they have no say who is put there. In John Perkins book “confessions of an economic hitman” he uses the term corpoatocracy, which is what Canada is. There was no mention of the SPP the government is building behind the backs of their constituents in an undemocratic fashion. No mention of honoring the royal obligations that make Canada a legal entity. No wonder there was no mention of the growing gap between rich and poor, since it was designed that way from the beginning.

There was much made of the need to spend more of the taxpayer’s money on increased police authoritarianism. We think the true government prefers a police state, over a government of the people, as it makes it easier for the rich to get richer by throwing dissenters in jail. The environmental issues that were mentioned shows Mr. Harper’s commitment to the American spin on climate. We will not be here in 2050 if we do not change the way we are violating the laws of nature now.

It is time for Canada to become a true model of democracy that the rest of the world can use as an example. We think that a model based on “peace on earth” for our entire earth family is the only way we can assure our grandchildren’s security. War is not an option for creating peace, as we have saw in the last century. War begets more war and the “corporatocracy” becomes unbelievably wealthy on the blood shed of the common man, hence why the war on terrorism was instigated by “bonesman” Bush. It is a war that will never stop until all of the resources of the world are controlled by a few men.

In this era of instant global communication the chance for peace on earth is within our grasp.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Return of the Peace

The cycle of the skyworld is upon us now. We can see it in the current climate change scenario and feel it in our genetic memory. The poles are already starting to shift as the ice melts and those parts of earth are waking up after their long sleep. The permafrost is melting, releasing methane into our atmosphere which is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. The plants and trees are starting to grow on the Arctic tundra, suggesting that this will become the next forested area on the planet. We should be wondering where the new ice will form when the skyworld completes its rotation of our planet.

When you consider the state of the fertile valley (middle east) now, with its deserts that used to be the garden of Eden, we can ascertain that man’s neglect of the natural law causes deserts to form where once there was abundant life.

It was on the last cycle of the skyworld, that our confederacy was formed some 3600 years ago. We had learned to live in peace with each other and the natural world around us. The Peacemaker returned to the skyworld after teaching us the formula for peace on earth.

This will be the 5th time the skyworld has passed by since our beginnings here on planet earth. If you study the Caucasian (Sumerian) history they only tell of 3 suns, namely Genesis, Noahs flood and Exodus, making this the fourth in their teachings. They forget their beginnings here in North America, hence why we have always considered them our youngest brother. The geologic record confirms the oldest rock in the world to be the Canadian shield and the oldest mountain range the Appalacians.

The current ruling elite trace their ancestry to the Sumerian royalty or Annunaki. They are definitely planning for the return and trying to secure their place as the masters of this world. The secretive societies that have dominated recent world history are planning for the return of the Annunaki now. They believe they will be the next chosen ones to breed with them and continue as the rulers of our world. They do not consider that in the skyworld, our ancestors have been dealing with them all along.

We know that Dekanawida will be returning here to turtle island, as he promised. The Annunaki will probably return to their place in Iraq, we don’t think they will be pleased with it’s current state of affairs. We can see another reason why the U.S.A has illegally invaded Iraq and now wants to invade Iran. The U.S.A could be viewed as the M.S.A. since their beginnings were formed by their Masonic forefathers that also trace their roots to the Annunaki.

When your younger brother comes home after a long time away, thinking himself much smarter and better than his older siblings, he will be taught by his mother to have respect and acknowledge his proper place in the family.

It is time for the younger brothers to review their current path of destruction of the natural world, as our mother will give us all a spanking soon.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Planet Earth

On this planet all living things have the same mother, she is the earth. That makes us all, the people, animals, plants, birds and fish brothers and sisters. One earth family as it has always been. Everything that we do affects our whole family on our fragile planet. If our commitment is for our progeny, then we must look at our entire family, as our grandchildren will not be safe unless the whole family is.

History has shown that when one empire has fallen, another takes it place. These historical empires have all been designed as top down hierarchies, placing a few human families at the top and everyone(thing) else as inferior to their goal of world domination. In our current state of affairs, the new empire has shown that this view is detrimental to life on earth. As we approach our 5th sun it is imperative that we understand that hierarchy does not work. Not even for the people at the top. When the dust settles and the waters recede after the next era begins, it will be the time for peace on earth, as we have finally figured out that we are one earth family.

To live in balance and harmony with all nature and each other, is the only way for our family to continue into the future. It all starts in each individual’s mind. You cannot effect change in anyone, except yourself. When each person realizes how interconnected we are with all other things on earth, then we can begin healing our earth family. Remember the basic truth that no-one can tell you what to THINK. They can only tell you what they think and then you decide what you think. This is every child’s inherent right, to use their own mind and decide for themselves.

We will realize our true power as human beings when we grasp the first statement in this letter. The human mind has the potential to elevate us into our next phase of evolution where travel through time/space will be available to all through proper use of thought. The mind is a beautiful thing.

When you say “I might” or “maybe” you never will. Instead say I will. We WILL eliminate evil, war and greed for the survival of our earth family.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The story of creation told in the Cuneiform tablets of ancient Sumer, is closer to the truth of who we are and where we come from. They tell how earth was formed from the remnants of Tiamet (the water planet) after one of Nibiru’s satellites smashed it into the asteroid belt and the earth . That Tiamet ‘s main moon continued with the piece that would become the earth, becoming our grandmother moon. They also tell of the Annunaki (from heaven to earth they came) and of Nibiru’s highly elliptical orbit of our sun every 3600 years. The Sumerian culture is generally regarded as the most ancient by the scientific community but we have always called them our younger brother. They are from around 8000 years ago. Our view from creation starts when earth was covered with water and sky woman fell to it from the skyworld. She landed here on turtle island and later created the red man, black man, yellow man and lastly the white man our youngest brother.

Our confederacy was born the last time the skyworld was here and that is where Dekanawida went and he also told of his return the next time the skyworld passes by. That cycle is coming fast now and soon everyone on the planet will see the second sun returning on it’s cycle. They are on a different time/space continuum and are at a much higher vibration than we. Their approach is affecting the earth’s magnetic field and rotation. This is the root cause of climate change and we are getting a sample of things to come.

It is time for everyone to accept the principles of Dekanawida’s teachings as the cycle of renewal approaches. The serpents rule is coming to an end and we have a true chance at peace on earth. The higher vibration that accompanies the approach, can be attributed to the awakening that is occurring in the minds of the people. This time around we can eliminate evil, war and greed. We can live in harmony with the other species as the earth family. We can spread this philosophy to all people on earth so that the incessant war does never again come to our planet.

Open your mind, it is a transmit and receiving station for thought. The true power comes from unity of mind through the natural law.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
