Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thrown? speech

Throne Speech

Democracy in Canada is in need of a complete overhaul. The pomp and pageantry of the governor general acting like the queen, sitting on a throne and making a speech that was designed by Mr. Harper’s spin doctors, reminded me of a colonial era that is supposed to be gone. That it was made in the senate chamber only adds to the hypocrisy of Canada’s claim to be a great democratic country.

Out of the 105 senators in the chamber only one is elected. The rest are appointed by the sitting PM. Since only the liberals and conservatives have ever formed the government they each appoint a senator that will tow their party line. The senators hold half the lawmaking powers in Canada and they only answer to the billionaires who run the economy. No wonder John Macdonald was knighted by the monarchy of England for creating such a system. The British billionaires remain in control while the people think they live in a free and democratic country. This is the real reason Canada never had a war with England for their apparent independence.

The Canadian taxpayer pays the bill of the senate, yet they have no say who is put there. In John Perkins book “confessions of an economic hitman” he uses the term corpoatocracy, which is what Canada is. There was no mention of the SPP the government is building behind the backs of their constituents in an undemocratic fashion. No mention of honoring the royal obligations that make Canada a legal entity. No wonder there was no mention of the growing gap between rich and poor, since it was designed that way from the beginning.

There was much made of the need to spend more of the taxpayer’s money on increased police authoritarianism. We think the true government prefers a police state, over a government of the people, as it makes it easier for the rich to get richer by throwing dissenters in jail. The environmental issues that were mentioned shows Mr. Harper’s commitment to the American spin on climate. We will not be here in 2050 if we do not change the way we are violating the laws of nature now.

It is time for Canada to become a true model of democracy that the rest of the world can use as an example. We think that a model based on “peace on earth” for our entire earth family is the only way we can assure our grandchildren’s security. War is not an option for creating peace, as we have saw in the last century. War begets more war and the “corporatocracy” becomes unbelievably wealthy on the blood shed of the common man, hence why the war on terrorism was instigated by “bonesman” Bush. It is a war that will never stop until all of the resources of the world are controlled by a few men.

In this era of instant global communication the chance for peace on earth is within our grasp.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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