Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We all need to remember how to use our memory.
In each of us is the memory of our birth through our mothers. Remember this as the first true love, mother and child. Now we can understand the concept of thinking with your heart, it is about love. When we over-ride the heart with the mind, we are succumbing to the fear vibration.

Our DNA contains all of the memories of all our ancestors, right back to the first man and first woman, or source energy. Thoughts are things that turn into memory which becomes DNA. The brain is a broadcast and receiving station for thought. Emotionalized thought becomes powerful and creates action. The emotions can be broken down into just two; fear and love. The love vibration touches more points on the DNA strand as it is a wider wave. These interactions will open parts of your mind to the higher realms. Everything in the universe travels on sound waves. Our binary twin is on a much higher sound frequency than we are. When we open our minds to these higher frequencies we will start to evolve.

The internet is just scratching the surface of what we can do with the power of the collective mind. It all starts in each individual mind. The key to the power is the egalitarian nature of it, all views are of equal importance. When we view things with this collective thought we can see a full spectrum view. The ability to travel through time/space, only through thought, is available to all who seek it. “Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” (N. Hill).

So for each of us on our healing path; let us remember our mother, as we came crashing into this world, she grabbed us and we grabbed her, our first lesson of true love. Make sure you have phoned your mother just to tell her you love her. When we lose our mothers we only have the memories of their love. Let us put our minds together as one and send out great healing thoughts to our mothers, through the love vibration.

“All you need is love”(J.Lennon) “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” (J.Hendrix)

thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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