Monday, July 14, 2008

Star Conference July ?08

The awakening of the mind is accelerating and will start to go supernova soon. I was honored to attend Dr. Richard Boylan’s Star conference this past weekend at Bobcaygeon. The people came from across the planet and their minds were wide open. The workshop turned into an exercise of the “power”, that the collective mind can achieve.

The diverse perspectives of the individual mind were the key to the pinnacle at the end of the event, when one of our brothers caught a UFO on video right over the conference, in broad daylight. Thoughts are things, when emotion is added to thought they become charged, when many minds are concentrating on the same thought at the same time, magic will happen.

We are all star children on this planet . Our mother is the earth now, but we did come from other worlds and not very long ago. Our cousins in the skyworld have been watching us always and everyone will know the truth of who we are and where we come from very soon. In this next sun phase, we will be evolving as a species. The key is in the individual mind. The “holy” trinity is mother earth, father source energy of creation and the holy spirit is you. It is you that you are waiting for. We are shaking off the sheople mindset, when we remember how to use our minds properly.

We had a group of 50 like minded individuals who experienced a taste of the power available to us all, by using their own minds and reclaiming the first human right freedom of thought. Each mind is important to the collective, none more important than any other and none unimportant. This power is growing exponentially with the higher vibration all cells are feeling now in this solar system.

The light is being shone bright, for all to see what is going on behind the curtain in this 4th sun we are in, as it comes to it’s end. I am sure all attendees will never forget their experience this past weekend and will awaken all around them. The 100 monkey syndrome is very relevant with us and all people will soon put an end to the war problem by not supporting the fear vibration any longer. In each decision you make there are only two choices, fear and love. The fear vibration is a long slow wave and the love vibration is more tight and can go right through the fear.

“When the Power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” Jimi Hendrix

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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