Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ping Pong

The provincial government keeps suggesting that it is the federal government that needs to resolve the land theft issues, but they keep handing out permits to developers. The federal government keeps hiding its head in the sand. The media keeps putting their corporate spin on it to try and influence public opinion in favour of their corporate masters.

The issue is between the British government (the crown) and the Rotinonhsonnion:we (six nations confederacy). The Canadian government represents the crown in all of this land called Canada, that is why you have a picture of the queen on the Canadian money. Mr. Harper has shown that he is not honoring the crown’s obligations by his silence and inaction on this issue. Mr. McGuinty is showing that he also does not honour the crown by allowing provincial agencies to issue illegal permits to builders and developers all over the tract. What does the queen of Canada think about the dishonour that these two entities are placing on her family at the expense of her most faithful ally in North America?

Our young men are frustrated to the breaking point. If developers keep buying into the illegality of the permits that Mr. McGuinty keeps issuing, they are also illegal, and do so at their own risk. It has been almost two years since the occupation at Kanonhstaton began. Still these two levels of the Canadian corporation (that is what it is) continue on their illegal, genocidal path. We think the people of Canada have had enough and do not want to be a part of the genocide of the first peoples of this land.

Encroachment is not legal according to the international rule of law. It seems the corporation of Canada is hoping this law will change when the “New World Order” that they are obviously a huge supporter of, finally rewrite international law into favour of the empire.

It is time for Mr. Harper and the rest of the federal government to stop the illegal issuance of permits on all of the Haldimand tract. This is the least they could do to honour our most faithful ally, their queen, and save her family’s reputation on the world stage.

We are certain that most of the other countries watching this scenario unfold, will step in soon to hold Canada accountable. We call on our ancient allies from around the world to put pressure on Canada to follow the international rule of law, preserve the peace so it can be spread to the rest of the world and honour their responsibility to peace on earth.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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