History Repeating
Some recent leaders of the past have left their knowledge for us to decipher about our present state of affairs. They are worth looking at now, so I quote Eisenhower, MacKenzie King, and Lincoln. All of these men have left their mark on the experiment of democracy. I place them chronologically;
Eisenhower farewell speech 1961
“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. “
The Right Honourable W.L.MacKenzie King,
Prime Minister of Canada (1934)
"Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the laws.Usury once in control will wreck any nation.
Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of Democracy is idle and futile."
letter from Lincoln to Col. Wm. F. Elkins, Nov. 21, 1864
"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. . . . It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."
These men can all be considered honorable and “for the people”. We see in the dates that history is definitely repeating itself, as we are dealing with the same historical problem of hierarchal control of the people through economy. Dekanawida was the founder of true democracy and he also left his words for us to decipher. He called the hierarchy “serpents” , of different colours, but all essentially have the same agenda. To usurp the power of the individual and place it in the hands of a few men.
It is only because you as an individual, give the power of your free mind to them, that they have any power at all. There have been so many wise men who have left us their knowledge throughout the ages. Our Peacemaker said we shall see the reign of the serpents end when the second sun returns to our skies. Of all the wise men he is the smartest, in my opinion.
Soon you shall all see the return of the skyworld and it will signal a time of renewal for our earth family. Let us stand as brothers and plant a tree of peace with roots that extend to the four corners of the world. We can eliminate evil, war and greed.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hierarchy has been pushed on us since our first day in kindergarten. We learned that the teacher is at the top in the class, the principal in the school and the Queen in the country. The teachers could, and often did abuse their authoritarian position. From my perspective in public school, the principal’s main job was giving the strap to forcefully assert the authoritarian view. We use to be forced to stand for “God save the Queen” every morning to push the monarchic position of authority. Looking back on this now, it is all designed to control the way you think. In school we also learned that children with rich parents somehow were better and more deserved, than those whose parents had less money.
My father was part of the “resistance” to the Indian Advancement Act of 1924 imposed by the architect of genocide, Duncan Campbell Scott. He and his siblings grew up in Toronto and were told to “stay out of the sun”, “tell no one you’re and Indian”, “try and fit in”. In the 1930s in Toronto, the demographic was mainly English and Scottish immigrants. Then came the Irish who were considered less of a people. My mother was a first generation Canadian of immigrant Irish parents. When I was growing up in Toronto the main game played by the children in my neighbourhood was Cowboys and Indians. Fueled by the movie industry to demonize the savages. My four brothers and I were always the Indians and we kicked ass every time, until none of our friends wanted to play that game anymore.
In our genetic memory was all of the lessons our ancestors held, which were totally opposite of this hierarchal conditioning of the mind, in this new Canadian society. The egalitarian principles of the teachings of the Mohawk perspective since time immemorial, taught us that no one can tell you what to think. Rather they can only tell you what they think and you have to use your mind to decide what you think. Each child has as much freedom of mind as each elder, this is the basis of free thought. Now I hear people who believe they are in some type of authoritarian position ask me “who told you could think that” or “who gave you the right to say that” As if anyone has the right to tell me what to think, here in my ancient homeland.
The Kayanerakowa or “the constitution of the five nations” is meant for all of the people of the world and is the greatest social contract for living in peace that has ever been created. The people at the top of the hierarchal structure of the world do not want these teachings I speak of to be spread , as that would lower their position, or eliminate it altogether. That is why they push War and force their viewpoint through economy and the markets. As long as the people think they are living in a free society, their structure of dominance will survive.
Open your mind. Nobody can tell you what to think. Become Free, it is your right as a human being.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
My father was part of the “resistance” to the Indian Advancement Act of 1924 imposed by the architect of genocide, Duncan Campbell Scott. He and his siblings grew up in Toronto and were told to “stay out of the sun”, “tell no one you’re and Indian”, “try and fit in”. In the 1930s in Toronto, the demographic was mainly English and Scottish immigrants. Then came the Irish who were considered less of a people. My mother was a first generation Canadian of immigrant Irish parents. When I was growing up in Toronto the main game played by the children in my neighbourhood was Cowboys and Indians. Fueled by the movie industry to demonize the savages. My four brothers and I were always the Indians and we kicked ass every time, until none of our friends wanted to play that game anymore.
In our genetic memory was all of the lessons our ancestors held, which were totally opposite of this hierarchal conditioning of the mind, in this new Canadian society. The egalitarian principles of the teachings of the Mohawk perspective since time immemorial, taught us that no one can tell you what to think. Rather they can only tell you what they think and you have to use your mind to decide what you think. Each child has as much freedom of mind as each elder, this is the basis of free thought. Now I hear people who believe they are in some type of authoritarian position ask me “who told you could think that” or “who gave you the right to say that” As if anyone has the right to tell me what to think, here in my ancient homeland.
The Kayanerakowa or “the constitution of the five nations” is meant for all of the people of the world and is the greatest social contract for living in peace that has ever been created. The people at the top of the hierarchal structure of the world do not want these teachings I speak of to be spread , as that would lower their position, or eliminate it altogether. That is why they push War and force their viewpoint through economy and the markets. As long as the people think they are living in a free society, their structure of dominance will survive.
Open your mind. Nobody can tell you what to think. Become Free, it is your right as a human being.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Ping Pong
The provincial government keeps suggesting that it is the federal government that needs to resolve the land theft issues, but they keep handing out permits to developers. The federal government keeps hiding its head in the sand. The media keeps putting their corporate spin on it to try and influence public opinion in favour of their corporate masters.
The issue is between the British government (the crown) and the Rotinonhsonnion:we (six nations confederacy). The Canadian government represents the crown in all of this land called Canada, that is why you have a picture of the queen on the Canadian money. Mr. Harper has shown that he is not honoring the crown’s obligations by his silence and inaction on this issue. Mr. McGuinty is showing that he also does not honour the crown by allowing provincial agencies to issue illegal permits to builders and developers all over the tract. What does the queen of Canada think about the dishonour that these two entities are placing on her family at the expense of her most faithful ally in North America?
Our young men are frustrated to the breaking point. If developers keep buying into the illegality of the permits that Mr. McGuinty keeps issuing, they are also illegal, and do so at their own risk. It has been almost two years since the occupation at Kanonhstaton began. Still these two levels of the Canadian corporation (that is what it is) continue on their illegal, genocidal path. We think the people of Canada have had enough and do not want to be a part of the genocide of the first peoples of this land.
Encroachment is not legal according to the international rule of law. It seems the corporation of Canada is hoping this law will change when the “New World Order” that they are obviously a huge supporter of, finally rewrite international law into favour of the empire.
It is time for Mr. Harper and the rest of the federal government to stop the illegal issuance of permits on all of the Haldimand tract. This is the least they could do to honour our most faithful ally, their queen, and save her family’s reputation on the world stage.
We are certain that most of the other countries watching this scenario unfold, will step in soon to hold Canada accountable. We call on our ancient allies from around the world to put pressure on Canada to follow the international rule of law, preserve the peace so it can be spread to the rest of the world and honour their responsibility to peace on earth.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
The issue is between the British government (the crown) and the Rotinonhsonnion:we (six nations confederacy). The Canadian government represents the crown in all of this land called Canada, that is why you have a picture of the queen on the Canadian money. Mr. Harper has shown that he is not honoring the crown’s obligations by his silence and inaction on this issue. Mr. McGuinty is showing that he also does not honour the crown by allowing provincial agencies to issue illegal permits to builders and developers all over the tract. What does the queen of Canada think about the dishonour that these two entities are placing on her family at the expense of her most faithful ally in North America?
Our young men are frustrated to the breaking point. If developers keep buying into the illegality of the permits that Mr. McGuinty keeps issuing, they are also illegal, and do so at their own risk. It has been almost two years since the occupation at Kanonhstaton began. Still these two levels of the Canadian corporation (that is what it is) continue on their illegal, genocidal path. We think the people of Canada have had enough and do not want to be a part of the genocide of the first peoples of this land.
Encroachment is not legal according to the international rule of law. It seems the corporation of Canada is hoping this law will change when the “New World Order” that they are obviously a huge supporter of, finally rewrite international law into favour of the empire.
It is time for Mr. Harper and the rest of the federal government to stop the illegal issuance of permits on all of the Haldimand tract. This is the least they could do to honour our most faithful ally, their queen, and save her family’s reputation on the world stage.
We are certain that most of the other countries watching this scenario unfold, will step in soon to hold Canada accountable. We call on our ancient allies from around the world to put pressure on Canada to follow the international rule of law, preserve the peace so it can be spread to the rest of the world and honour their responsibility to peace on earth.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Honour matters
You all received a copy of the message I sent to Mr. Harper on the recent OMB Decision/Order no. 2230 regarding case # PL060653 and the one I sent to Mr. Mcguinty on July 26. As I never received a response from either of them I resend a letter regarding honour of the crown. With the upcoming provincial election and the shaky situation in the federal sphere, this letter is absolutely applicable now.
A Matter of Honour
The current situation with Canada and the Mohawk nation, in fact all of the original nations, has come full circle. Just like in a cycle. The question everyone needs to ask is, does Canada honour her obligations in the international sphere? These unresolved land claims all over this vast land are of utmost importance to Canada’s reputation on the world stage. We got a letter back from the Queen stating that Canada is a constitutional democracy (without a ratified constitution I might add), and to take up our issues with her representative the Governor General. As far as I am aware the Governor General has never answered that call. But for her and the rest of the elected and appointed representatives in this so-called democracy, their duty is to honour the Crown.
In the Haldimand Proclamation the Crown was to protect for us and our posterity forever, 6 miles from each side of the Grand River starting at Lake Erie and extending to the head. It is spelled out quite clear what they are supposed to be doing to honour the British Crown’s reputation.
Now I have been up here at the headwaters for 7 years paying rent to the tune of $10Gs a year and have been asking the government through its various arms, where is the land you are supposed to be protecting for me and my future generations? The people whom I have met and conversed with here, all assume that we have been conquered somehow. I ask “when did that happen” because we still are "her majesty's faithful allies" as it states in the Haldimand contract
As eyes and ears of the Mohawk Nation here at the headwaters (Kanekota), it is my duty to all Mohawks and their future generations to hold them to their word. As Hendrick said in 1710 when he arrived back from Britain “They rely on the written word, and that is how they will be judged”
There are 8 fires going now for the Mohawk nation in New York, Quebec and Ontario. These corporations seeking to exploit our jurisdiction need to start understanding that. It doesn’t help that the government of Ontario and Canada keep trying to steer them on the illegal path.
The process for these windmill groups is definitely not legal when they are not honouring the crowns obligations. Their lawyers seem to follow the age old strategy of trying to find a scapegoat, like Joseph Brant, and somehow trying to appear legal. When that doesn’t work they bring in the police and when that doesn’t work they bring in the army. Why not try honouring your legal responsibilities? That might work.
In Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
A Matter of Honour
The current situation with Canada and the Mohawk nation, in fact all of the original nations, has come full circle. Just like in a cycle. The question everyone needs to ask is, does Canada honour her obligations in the international sphere? These unresolved land claims all over this vast land are of utmost importance to Canada’s reputation on the world stage. We got a letter back from the Queen stating that Canada is a constitutional democracy (without a ratified constitution I might add), and to take up our issues with her representative the Governor General. As far as I am aware the Governor General has never answered that call. But for her and the rest of the elected and appointed representatives in this so-called democracy, their duty is to honour the Crown.
In the Haldimand Proclamation the Crown was to protect for us and our posterity forever, 6 miles from each side of the Grand River starting at Lake Erie and extending to the head. It is spelled out quite clear what they are supposed to be doing to honour the British Crown’s reputation.
Now I have been up here at the headwaters for 7 years paying rent to the tune of $10Gs a year and have been asking the government through its various arms, where is the land you are supposed to be protecting for me and my future generations? The people whom I have met and conversed with here, all assume that we have been conquered somehow. I ask “when did that happen” because we still are "her majesty's faithful allies" as it states in the Haldimand contract
As eyes and ears of the Mohawk Nation here at the headwaters (Kanekota), it is my duty to all Mohawks and their future generations to hold them to their word. As Hendrick said in 1710 when he arrived back from Britain “They rely on the written word, and that is how they will be judged”
There are 8 fires going now for the Mohawk nation in New York, Quebec and Ontario. These corporations seeking to exploit our jurisdiction need to start understanding that. It doesn’t help that the government of Ontario and Canada keep trying to steer them on the illegal path.
The process for these windmill groups is definitely not legal when they are not honouring the crowns obligations. Their lawyers seem to follow the age old strategy of trying to find a scapegoat, like Joseph Brant, and somehow trying to appear legal. When that doesn’t work they bring in the police and when that doesn’t work they bring in the army. Why not try honouring your legal responsibilities? That might work.
In Peace,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 remembered

Six years ago today was my first day home from the hospital, after a near fatal car accident that left me comatose and changed forever. I remember waking up in the hospital room and my mother and sisters were all there and seemed upset. I thought I was at a family reunion and asked my sister what we were all doing there, she told me that I was in a bad accident and that is why I was strapped into a bed.
Later that day I was trying to remember the accident and could only remember a bright light surrounding me. It was very difficult to try and use my memory, but I kept trying until into my mind popped Dekanawida’s serpent prophecy. I thought what is going on here?
I finally was able to get out of the wheelchair and the doctor let me go home. My first day home was 9/11, 2001 and when I got there the first thing I saw on TV was the planes hitting the WTC in NY. I did not know if it was real and my mother, who spent a few weeks with me when I got home, said it appeared like it was real. We continued watching until I fell off the couch onto the floor and proclaimed “it is the Black Serpent” and my mother and brother attended me and put me in my bed.
I spent two years sleeping most of the time. My doctor told me “when you first came to see me, you told me that you needed to lay down for a year and have a nap and then you would be back to normal” He then told me that at least I never lost an arm, but my D.A.I. was permanent and I will never be back to the state of mind I was in before it. That was the best advice I ever got.
Needless to say since then I have been remembering the serpent prophecy each day. It continues to be unfolding as our peacemaker said. Now we see the earth changes, the incessant war proliferating and I am certain we will see the second sun soon. I am also certain that Dekanawida will return from the skyworld where he went many years ago.
It is my belief that our 2nd sun is on a different time/space continuum so that one orbit around our sun is only a year to them, but here on earth it is many millennium. Velikovsky correctly labeled the condition “collective amnesia” that most people suffer from now. In our D.N.A. is all the memories of our ancestors, that is how the memory works. Everyone must relearn how to use their memory properly and then we will become the beings we are capable of and were meant to be. I have diffuse axonal injury but you all have amnesia. That is why I often say “wake up” in my writings. Then you will remember, as I have, the last time the second sun was here.
It is a great time to be alive,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Check out www.thahoketoteh.ws and add your comments to any of my writings
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Dawning of...

The Age of Aquarius
Here in Ontario we have had multiple days of +30 degrees in April, May, June, July, August and now September. This has never happened to my knowledge and is attributable to the cycle our sun is on, it’s galactic orbit. As our sun approaches the galactic centre at the end of its 26,000 year orbit through the constellations, we will see other phenomena unfolding as well. It is wise to listen to the Mayan teachings now, as they were the greatest keepers of time in human history. They say that twice since man has been here, the sun has rose where it now sets. Their calendar has an end date of December 21 (winter solstice) 2012, which is when our sun will enter its next phase.
The magnetic field of the earth is into a changing mode now and is affecting the rotation of our planet. The Hebrews tell of Joshua’s long day in their ancient texts and it should be looked at seriously now as we enter this next cycle. All the religious orders have their stories based on the movement of the sun through the stars. Each of them deserve to be looked at, as all touch on the truth of who we are and where we come from.
The scientists and so-called experts are paid well to promote false ideologies so that the people will stay in a slumber and continue to have the amnesic barrier over their minds. The mass media on the planet is owned by a few hundred people and their main role is to promote the propaganda that suits their owners plans.
Our Peacemaker told us of this time we are in now when he left this world to return to the skyworld. The clock that he gave was; the fish will turn on their bellies in the water, the air will burn the eyes of man, all the elm trees will die. He said there will be a bright light many times brighter than the sun coming from the east, and it would signal his return. He spoke a lot about water and serpents swimming, but never again to be seen by the original people. He talked of the original people healing in the hills and said the rest of the people on earth would look to the original people for guidance and we would be viewed as the great nation that we were before the reign of the serpents.
In our teachings the most basic understanding is that no-one can tell you what to think. They can tell you what they think but each mind is important to the collective, this is the cornerstone of an egalitarian society. It is a great time to be alive we will see much more phenomena than our ancestors could have foretold.
With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Check www.thahoketoteh.ws and please add your comments to any of my writings
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Colonial Canada
Decolonize Now
The crux of colonialism is the rails that span the continent. Corporate greed and expansionism started with the rails. It is time that the railroads became accountable to the titleholders of the land they occupy all over the country. For every train that travels across indigenous territory they should be paying a toll to the nations that allowed that in the first place. I quote UN 1514;
The aspirations of the peoples of the Territories to achieve self-determination, and the international community's perception that United Nations Charter principles were being too slowly applied, led to the United Nations General Assembly's proclamation on 14 December 1960 of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples - resolution 1514 (XV).
The Declaration states that "the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the United Nations Charter, and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and cooperation, and that steps should be taken to transfer, unconditionally, all powers to the Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories so that they might enjoy complete freedom and independence".
Electronic ticketing is already in use on the 407 in Ontario and it is a proven method of monitoring every vehicle movement and holding the traveler accountable. When CN and CP move their trains through Miqmac, Algonquin, Haudenosaunee, Anishnabe, Cree, Blackfoot, Chilcotin , Salish and any of the other nations land they are exploiting, they should be paying a toll, similar to ETR practices already in place for individual motorists on the toll highway.
This would be the minimum that Canada should do to honour the treaty on decolonization that she signed. We can hear the whining in the boardrooms of the railroads at such a suggestion that they should be forced to honour any such law. They think they are the law and that this is still the wild west. Take the example of CN’s action on Shawn Brant and how they use the Canadian legal system to back their illegal actions.
Canada has to start honoring the international treaties they are a party to and force CN to drop their lawsuit against Shawn, install the electronic toll collection and start the process of decolonization now, better late than never.
With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
The crux of colonialism is the rails that span the continent. Corporate greed and expansionism started with the rails. It is time that the railroads became accountable to the titleholders of the land they occupy all over the country. For every train that travels across indigenous territory they should be paying a toll to the nations that allowed that in the first place. I quote UN 1514;
The aspirations of the peoples of the Territories to achieve self-determination, and the international community's perception that United Nations Charter principles were being too slowly applied, led to the United Nations General Assembly's proclamation on 14 December 1960 of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples - resolution 1514 (XV).
The Declaration states that "the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the United Nations Charter, and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and cooperation, and that steps should be taken to transfer, unconditionally, all powers to the Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories so that they might enjoy complete freedom and independence".
Electronic ticketing is already in use on the 407 in Ontario and it is a proven method of monitoring every vehicle movement and holding the traveler accountable. When CN and CP move their trains through Miqmac, Algonquin, Haudenosaunee, Anishnabe, Cree, Blackfoot, Chilcotin , Salish and any of the other nations land they are exploiting, they should be paying a toll, similar to ETR practices already in place for individual motorists on the toll highway.
This would be the minimum that Canada should do to honour the treaty on decolonization that she signed. We can hear the whining in the boardrooms of the railroads at such a suggestion that they should be forced to honour any such law. They think they are the law and that this is still the wild west. Take the example of CN’s action on Shawn Brant and how they use the Canadian legal system to back their illegal actions.
Canada has to start honoring the international treaties they are a party to and force CN to drop their lawsuit against Shawn, install the electronic toll collection and start the process of decolonization now, better late than never.
With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Judgement Day
In our collective histories of this planet, many clues have been left for us to decipher, the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids of the Americas, the stone circles of Britannia and the many oral stories left by all of the ancient peoples. Authors like Velikovsky , Sitchin and others have contributed their own interpretations only to be shunned by their peers. The evidence is overwhelming that we have a binary star system. The Sumerians called our sister sun Nibiru and had it on an orbit of our sun every 3600 years. The Mayans had the return of the 2nd sun coming in 2012. The Egyptians have been referred to as sun worshippers but it seems apparent they were actually 2nd sun worshippers.
The story of the Council of the Great Peace begins when, here on Turtle Island, we were at a time of incessant warfare, much as we are now. Dekanawidah (The Peacemaker) was sent here from the skyworld to proclaim the way of peace and righteousness. We enjoyed 1000’s of years of peace here following those teachings until the Europeans brought the incessant war back to us.
The English were puzzled that the native peoples had no standing armies when they arrived on our shores. We have always tried to teach the peace to all of the Europeans because the alternative is war and its very nature is never-ending. The cycle that we are on now is like a return to the time just before Dekanawidah came the 1st time. So it is wise to look well at his teachings now. He told us that the peace starts with the knowledge that all living things on this planet are related, like brothers and sisters. He taught us about the power of one mind based on that concept. He showed us how to live as good neighbours in peace, on the same land.
These lessons we must relearn now as the time is approaching fast for the return of the second sun, or judgment day as the Christians prefer. I am sure our creator will not be pleased how we have mistreated our mother and how we have made all of our brothers and sisters in peril of extinction.
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
In our collective histories of this planet, many clues have been left for us to decipher, the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids of the Americas, the stone circles of Britannia and the many oral stories left by all of the ancient peoples. Authors like Velikovsky , Sitchin and others have contributed their own interpretations only to be shunned by their peers. The evidence is overwhelming that we have a binary star system. The Sumerians called our sister sun Nibiru and had it on an orbit of our sun every 3600 years. The Mayans had the return of the 2nd sun coming in 2012. The Egyptians have been referred to as sun worshippers but it seems apparent they were actually 2nd sun worshippers.
The story of the Council of the Great Peace begins when, here on Turtle Island, we were at a time of incessant warfare, much as we are now. Dekanawidah (The Peacemaker) was sent here from the skyworld to proclaim the way of peace and righteousness. We enjoyed 1000’s of years of peace here following those teachings until the Europeans brought the incessant war back to us.
The English were puzzled that the native peoples had no standing armies when they arrived on our shores. We have always tried to teach the peace to all of the Europeans because the alternative is war and its very nature is never-ending. The cycle that we are on now is like a return to the time just before Dekanawidah came the 1st time. So it is wise to look well at his teachings now. He told us that the peace starts with the knowledge that all living things on this planet are related, like brothers and sisters. He taught us about the power of one mind based on that concept. He showed us how to live as good neighbours in peace, on the same land.
These lessons we must relearn now as the time is approaching fast for the return of the second sun, or judgment day as the Christians prefer. I am sure our creator will not be pleased how we have mistreated our mother and how we have made all of our brothers and sisters in peril of extinction.
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota
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