Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Problem, Reaction, Solution, the old Colonial policy of divide and conquer, is being played on all of the people. First they create a problem that will get a reaction from the people and then they offer a solution for the problem they created. This is the strategy of the ruling elite since Roman times.

Now they are coming up with a solution to the problem they created in 1924, when they came in at gunpoint and overthrew our ancient council and installed their puppet government. Duncan Campbell Scott drew up the 100 year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem” , introduced blood quantum legislation (apartheid) and turned the little bit of land that the nations were occupying into “reservations” or more accurately detention centers for natives. Now they call their puppet government Assembly of First Nations, make no mistake these people are now Canadian because they chose to leave our canoe and travel in the British boat. Because of the problem they created with the Mohawks they have now come up with a solution they are calling the Iroquois caucus. Just another name for their puppet governmental structure. They will try and promote this as some good thing for whom? The solution that they should be talking about is simple, honour the words in the treaties that you created.

Take the terrorist legislation that was a solution for the American made problem. Their solution is to implement a police state and have the people accept it as worthwhile for their security. After millions of ordinary people died fighting in wars to stop this kind of thing from happening again, they want us to accept it as a solution for a problem that they created. We should call this new entity the fourth reich because that is how it looks from our perspective, here on the ground that it is being implemented in.

As a Mohawk man my duty is to spread the council of the great peace to the whole world, that is all our peacemaker asked us to do. It is based on the fact that every living thing is related as kin in the Earth family. When you open your mind to the power available to all of us through this fact then you will be ready for the Peace. The Kayanerakowa or Great Law as it has been called, is the formula for many different peoples to live in peace and harmony on the earth as good neighbours.

Our mother is the Earth, our grandmother the Moon, our eldest brother the Sun and the stars our Cousins. What a wonderful place this will be when everyone finally understands what we have been trying to teach.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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