Wednesday, August 22, 2007


New World Order
I just returned from a visit to the site in Tyendinaga where our brethren are keeping the peace. On our way there we stopped at the nuclear power plant in Pickering to get some shots of the hydro plant. When we started taking out the camera and tripod, a security guard came driving over and told us we were on OPG property and that the nuclear police would be coming over to harass us. “The nuclear police?” I asked. He said that since 911(the new Pearl Harbor) they have implemented private police forces (security guards with guns) at all of the OPG (Ontario Power Generation) facilities. This seemed to fit in with the SPP conference that my buddy was heading to and we were perplexed that we should be treated like terrorists for taking film of a public facility. We quickly took some shots and got out of there as the white SUVs were racing over to intercept us.

I stayed for three days at our camp in Tyendinaga and was most welcome by all our people there. Our existence there is supplied by donations of food, gas for the generators and volunteers of all ages. They are all doing a wonderful job and we should be proud that they are standing up to the extra-tyranny that SPP will bring to all of the people on turtle island. We put out a call for more food vouchers and gas vouchers instead of cash

The videos that have been sent out are evidence of the new Canada they are proposing. Dissenters will be treated like criminals and the police will be on every corner securing their rich corporate masters, so they can have a more prosperous partnership at the expense of the common man and the native natural resources.

We don’t think this is the Canada that most people want, the public should exercise their right to demonstrate on the street until they can stop it with their vote. Mr. Harper has shown his hand by being a party to all this. The people have to know what Mr. Dion, Mr. Duceppe and Mr. Layton think about all of this, it should be the number one issue that Canadians vote on in the next election.

We see that the people are finally waking up to the reality of what is really going on. We in the Mohawk nation have been protecting the integrity of this land since time immemorial. Finally some of the settlers are starting to listen and taking action. Instead of asking “what are they going to do?” ask yourself what are you going to do.

With unity of mind through the natural law comes great strength,

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

SPP videos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back in May 2007, Thahoketoteh made a post called N.W.O. agenda. My comment relates to both posts.

It is well many are starting to wake up & ask questions of our governments, the U.S., England & Australia too.

Here in the U.S., it used to take an act of Congress to start a war, now we have a dictator who starts one all on his own. Bush brat with many puppets, same as Canada & England. Check out this web site to see how similar Canada's leaders are to the U.S at:
All true.

Then you may want to see how our so called leaders put our tax dollars into racist orgs:

Order Sons of Italy in America: (They have more than one chapter across the states).

Council of Conservative Citizens:

One Nation United:
*Note they merged*: &

Knights of Columbus:

Custer Cruisin:

Not to mention the many racist s here, like Aryan Nations, a.k.a. Skin Heads, the we have the Columbus day sales that go on an entire month, every year.

Our famed Mt. Rushmore was sculpted by a man who was prominent in the KKK, Gutzon Borglum.

We stand united!

Many Blessings for generations to come,