Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Esoteric no more

Why is this symbol on the American dollar bill? Where does it originate and what does it mean? In the Secret Covenant of the Bloodline, they state “The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late.” This symbol originates in Germany and was the original corporate logo of the Bavarian Illuminati, started by Adam Weishaupt as the private coven for Nathan Rothschild. The Latin annuit coeptus means “our venture is a success” and novus ordo seclorum means new world order. On the bottom of the pyramid is the date 1776, the year they took over worldwide freemasonry by adding the 33rd degree. The light represents Lucifer, their true god. For a modern example check Canadian Bernjamin Fulford’s story http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-3704527408635856046#

In 1917 the Rothschilds had the Balfour declaration drawn up which stated they would bring America into World War 1 if England guaranteed to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Two weeks later America entered the war on the British side and two weeks after that, the first boat load of Jewish immigrants landed on the shores of Palestine. They continued arriving until 1947 creating the Jewish problem in Palestine which Rothschild used to enact the Royal Proclamation on the British generals. Dr. John L. Coleman’s book “Diplomacy by Deception” has a chapter devoted to this incident called “Israel in focus” http://conspiration.ca/e_book/diplomacy_by_deception_coleman_john.pdf

It appears that the Rothschild banking dynasty definitely runs America and as they state in their secret covenant “so grand will the illusion of freedom be, they will not even know they are our slaves.” The international banks were first started by the Knights Templar during the crusades in the middle ages, a great book on this is “Second Messiah” by masonic authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. http://www.knight-lomas.com/secmessiah.html

Jacques de Molay was the last grand master of the Knights Templar and he was set up by King Phillip 1v of France and they were officially disbanded on Friday the 13th of October 1307. They owned the largest fleet in Europe and excavated in King Solomons temple for 200 years, so they had the means and esoteric knowledge to take their fleet to “Merica, the star in the west from where we come” as was stated in the Sumerian teachings. The Templars arrived on the shores of America 100 years before Columbus as evidenced at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, the other place they set up shop in the early 1400s. There is corn and aloe vera carved into the stone 80 years before Columbus arrived here, proof positive they were here. At Rosslyn chapel, the Scottish rite of Freemasonry traces its origins.

When the Peacemaker left this world he told us “there would come a time when the Onkwehonwe would be befriended by a white serpent. At first it would be good for both, but seven generations after contact he would have the people squeezed so tight against his chest they could hardly breathe, when a red serpent would come and the white serpent would momentarily drop the Onkwehonwe and they would crawl to the hilly country like babies, to heal” He told us they would have a horrible war and would then be in a lull until a black serpent comes and takes over where the red and white serpents left off. To me it looks like the white serpent is freemasonry(Allies), the red serpent is the Bavarian Illuminati(Axis) while the black serpent is the New World Order. He said the black serpent would be making war with every nation on earth at the same time until a bright light, many times brighter than the sun would come from the east and the black serpent would never again be seen by the people. Dekanawida told of the return of the peace and a golden age we will witness, Peace on Earth.

The key to the peace lies in the consensus process and when the women of the world take their rightful place governing the children and the land they bring them into (the community) we will have everlasting peace. It is a great time to be alive.

Unity, Strength, Peace,

thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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