Sunday, February 14, 2010

"You lie and deceive"

Diplomacy by Deception
Canada is in the spotlight all over the world with the “Olympics” sideshow, while Steven Harper has been making globalist speeches all around the world about Canada’s banking system as a model for the new world bank (order). When he represents 30% of the voters in a minority government and then suspends parliament for two months, we can see where his loyalties lie, he works for the bankers. All of the “sovereign” nations of the world can no longer be fooled by the deception that Canada is sovereign and able to make international treaties.

The system in Canada is truly great for the real government, the bloodline. It is presented as a democracy with two houses, senate and commons. The people get to vote for the commons seats but the bankers get to decide who goes into the senate. Every few years there is another election and new people are moved around in the commons, but the senate is always busy to introduce new globalist bills into the commons. Inch by inch they take away every right you have until you are living in a police state where you can be pulled over and fined or imprisoned for any amount, at the whim of the state. The bloodline are now disguised as the bankers where they control the purse-strings, worldwide. In their oath they state “so grand will the illusion of freedom be, they will not even know they are our slaves”, factor in Canada as the first corporate state and you can see the epicenter of fascism, Canada.

Sovereignty resides with us, the real people. This land called Canada is and always has been, under the jurisdiction of kayanerakowa. The British have built their empire by deception and the first major deceit was through our gift to share Ontario with the British in 1701, through gushwenta under kayanerakowa. two row We had to send five emissaries to England in 1710, as settlers were not adhering to the original agreement to share our land through “two row and silver covenant”. Our men were put as a sideshow in England called “The four Kings” and their real mission never published. This June will mark the 300th anniversary of that historic voyage and we would like to mark it with a return trip on June 25, 2010 to meet with Queen Elizabeth to polish the crust off the covenant chain. This is the only treaty that makes the “crown” appear legal and needs to be addressed forthwith, as Canada is based on it.

The bankers are busy creating more “order out of chaos” through their control of the secret societies operating worldwide. They want to continue the illusion of hierarchy forever, but it is a lie designed to conceal the supreme truth, we are all one. Anything based on a lie, is a lie.
Let us put our minds together as one and embrace the oneness.
Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of kanekota

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