Monday, November 2, 2009


New World Order of Death

The new world order is a corporation with their shareholders having “limited liability” for the crimes of the corporation. So expect pharmaceutical companies to be immune from prosecution in “Maritime Admiralty Court” for poisoning the Canadian people through their new vaccination programs. Mainstream media has been promoting the coming pandemic fervently, trying to coerce the people into lining up and willfully submitting their bodies to these poisons. Meanwhile there is no mention in mainstream media about the heavy chemtrails we have been receiving over Ontario for the last few months. Another reason for chemtrails is the spread of asbestos like particulates that lodge in the lungs and cause flu-like symptoms. If you start feeling sick it is from the chemtrails, not from unwashed hands. It is the vaccine that will cause the true pandemic so I hope none of you line up for this. Check the video from a Finnish minister on the flu scam, at my tube site

The common thing that all people on turtle island have is “Indians”. They are everywhere and are guardians of “Law of the Land” , if all of the citizens (employess) of the corporate states (America, Canada, Mexico), were to start following law of the land instead of law of the sea, this new world order of death would be stopped in it’s tracks and the true criminals would receive their due. Here on Turtle Island, law of the land is kayanerakowa or “council of the great peace” . It’s goal is perpetual peace and sustainability for the entire community of people, plants and animals. We have been the guardians of this formula since it’s inception 1000’s of years ago and we are still here. It is available to all who have a good mind and are willing to follow the directions of the law. I suggest all of you search within yourself for peace as that is where it starts, in the self. The collective mind will be affected with each new awakening. As I see it, all religion is designed to keep this truth from you, it is you that you wait for.

Once we stand as brothers, we will revive the tree of peace collectively as one mind. The time for war is coming to an end and as the 5th sun approaches it will signal a return to the peace. Law of the land is designed for all people, so follow the white roots to their source and take shelter beneath the tree of peace with us, as brothers. We are all one.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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