Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Does the moon and sun seem to be doing a dance in the sky? They both are
definitely not where they should be. The Big Dipper seems to be flipping, so it
points down to Polaris instead of up. The phenomenon is very visible at sunrise
and sunset as it appears there are two suns at these times. These things suggest
we are living in extraordinary times on planet earth. Here on the ground, the
situation is similar with the bankers and the economy. We are going through a
cleansing cycle where it will be out with the old and in with the new. The
financial oligarchs are desperately trying to hold on to the treasure they have
accumulated, through their looting over the centuries. One needs to only look up
at the sky to see the changes coming.

Here in Kanekota the elite are making their move to secure the high ground
in Southern Ontario. They have set up a company called “the highland group” and
already control all 3 levels of the corporate government of Canada, thereby
ensuring the appearance of legality. Many of the regular people here, have
formed resistance groups and are seeking the advice of the Onkwahonwe. The masks
are coming off for all to see, in Canada the citizens are employees of the
corporation. Employees do not know who the shareholders of the corporation
really are. It appears that these 3 numbered companies who make up this
“highland group” are some of the actual shareholders.

I attended the OMB hearing about the windmills in Hornings Mills www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-jbTGh87g
The first question I asked was if the moderator followed the constitution of
Canada and International law. If they really do follow the law these windmills
would have never been constructed without consulting us, as section 35 of the
Canadian constitution states. I had a call from an intelligence officer of the
OPP when I lived in Hornings Mills, he asked for a meeting and I invited him to
attend my house. When he arrived I showed him a copy of the Haldimand
Proclamation and a copy of the survey I had done with MNR, showing clearly he
was on Mohawk land. Then I asked why he was breaking the law by trying to
pretend he had any rights over me or the land, he scratched his head and said he
did not know why. I said to him when the police and military wake up and
understand how they are being used for the enslavement of their own unborn
children, the change will come back to law of the land ‘kayanerakowa”, as it is
the key to living in perpetual peace with each other and the environment.

The cleansing of the governmental structures of Canada is long overdue.
Last year when they stood up in Parliament and admitted to every description of
genocide, as stated by the treaty on the crime and punishment of genocide www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/p_genoci.htm

The contract that the corporation of Canada signed in 1948 to prosecute the
ones responsible for genocide does not let anyone be above the law, including
the shareholders officers and directors of Canada. When the people of Canada
realize that the criminals are running the country maybe they will finally say
“enough is enough”, try those responsible as per the UN charter and become a
true democracy under the oldest constitution on earth “kayanerakowa”

Look up at the sky at night and you will see, “Oh the times they are a

Unity, strength, peace
thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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