Friday, January 23, 2009



This new empire we are all perceiving as the New World Order, has three city states that pay no tax to any country and are wholly owned by the “money-changer” families. They should be recognized as the empire of the city; with their spiritual capital in the Vatican, their financial capital in the City of London and their military capital in Washington, D.C.

The inauguration of the new emperor was a classic Masonic ritual. Obama’s speech was eerily familiar to the one Hitler made after becoming “der Fuhrer” . The people are desparately putting there hope in this man and he has promised them radical change. His cabinet appointments show how this change will be brought in. The emperor has a different colored face but wears the same clothes, as all of the ones before him.
The flaw in American democracy is this hierarchal exucutive office. It is a pyramid, with all encompassing power over the people, lying with one man’s decision. The real power behind the throne can corrupt this office by playing on the weak link in human history, greed. This is why the American system was allowed to happen, most likely designed by the oligarchs and why it will ultimately fail.

President Obama has started his own youth brigade and re-implemented the draft to all men 18 to 24. He was also one of the staunchest supporters of the “banksters” bailout scheme, showing where his true loyalties lie. The good news is his DNA memory, which holds his African ancestry. This is something the elite have never had to deal with yet, as all the other presidents were from the “bloodline”. He has the least amount of the “blood royal” so this is a real change in the right direction.

He is in the right inside position to effect real change. As the blind man says “we shall see”.

Unity, Strength, Peace,

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