Sunday, October 26, 2008

Divide and conquer...

Who's in charge?
In these “pretend” democracies the real leaders are hidden behind the puppets. The real leaders answer to no-one and have their own agenda. The puppets are nothing more than most favoured slaves for the real masters. In this video you will see the Prime Minister of Australia and Stephen Harper making the exact same speech at the same time, word for word, supporting the illegal invasion of Iraq. This is clear evidence that the people you think are running these countries are not;

The speech writer probably came out of one of the global think tanks like the tri-lateral commission . The globalists are in control in all of the democratic countries of this world. No matter which one of the parties get in, they always advance the agenda of the ruling class. An old adage comes to mind, “none are more hopelessly enslaved than those that believe they are free.”

The financial meltdown is by design as well. It goes back to the Babylonian “divide and conquer” tactic. First they create a problem that will get a reaction from the people and only when the people demand it, they provide the solution for the problem that they created. The solution will always be more centralized power in the hands of a few. In the banksters case they will offer a one-world bank to solve all of the problems that they have purposely created. Probably a world currency through electronic means. Watch the speeches and the timing of this development and you will see the various “democratic” leaders making the same speeches again, probably at the same time. All to advance the agenda of these rulers.

They have been called the Illuminati by many, because they have no official name. They are the same families that played the dialectic on us in 1609, with their bloodline explorer “Champlain”. He was able to break the peace between us and the Huron. That dialectic is still in play as they did divide us and became the rulers of us all. The motto for the 33rd degree of freemasonry is “order out of chaos” exactly what the Hegelian dialectic was designed for.

When economy became the weapon of choice against the “Indians” in the late 17th century, our medicine men noticed a disease of the mind and they called it Owista. Kayanerakowa teaches us that a healthy mind thinks in priority thought 1. Nation 2. Family 3. Clan 4. Self
When economy was introduced a person would think of himself first even above the nation, this is the disease all of us are suffering from now. The entire ecosystem is dying because of this disease of the mind. After many generations the medicine men found the only cure for Owista is Kayanerakowa.

Kayanerakowa means “the council of the great peace” it is the greatest social contract ever devised for living in peace with one another and the environment, perpetually. We have been the guardians of this formula for peace for 1000s of years now and are still trying to spread the peace to the rest of the world, as we were asked to do by the Peacemaker. This is the Order of peace. If we are going to adopt a one world order let it be this order. As Ghandi said, “there is no path to peace, peace is the path”

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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