Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Coming of the Peace

The current conditions on planet earth show us clearly, we must find a new way. The hierarchal systems in government and business, are at the root of the problem. They place man above everything else in nature and allow for very few men to rule over all. Here on earth, all living things have the same mother, she is the earth. We all have the same father, source energy of creation. That makes us all brothers and sisters. This should be the basis of a new egalitarian system of care and control, for planetary affairs. The economic system that has been in place since the industrial revolution is toxic and unsustainable. There are universal rules in place that must be respected and adhered to, for the future generations. With every decision, we need to take into consideration 7 generations in front. Through this type of thought process the more subtle love vibration will eventually overtake the fear vibration. When that evolution occurs, we will have total peace on earth.

The carbon problem is a good example that we must address right now. We all receive junk mail everyday and it all ends up in the recycling box. Every year 100 million trees are cut down to support this activity. The trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The chemical poisoning of the water must be stopped right now. The waters are for all life, essentially the bloodstream of mother earth. When the waters are poisoned the entire ecosystem is poisoned and left for our grandchildren to clean up. All of us need to spend hours cleaning up our rivers, instead of paying carbon taxes that will do nothing to address the problem.

The financial/banking systems are archaic and prone to total corruption. They are at the root of the war problem and must be addressed now. The creation of credit belongs to the people, not to a cabal of private bankers with a perpetual debt scam. When the people look at the war industry and the public debt associated to it, that alone should be enough to end the war problem and root out the banksters. We see the same moneychangers throughout history, creating and financing both sides of every war. We need to hold these people accountable for their current and historic crimes.

Each individual mind is important to the collective and is the basis of the true power of “one mind” Freedom of thought is the first human right. No one can tell you what to think, only what they think. It is not just a right, but a duty to hear all minds. In our society now, the biggest problem has been that we have forgot how to listen. All of us need to listen when someone is speaking. When we are thinking “what am I going to say next” we are not listening.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” (Hill)

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of Kanekota


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