Thursday, June 19, 2008



I usually smoke Mohawk cigarettes but ran out the other day and went into my local store to buy a pack of “criminal govt.” smokes at extortion prices. The girl behind the counter asked me for ID? I said “you have to be kidding” she answered that it was the government who implemented new “laws” and she had to do this to everyone regardless of their age. On the sign it said “official government ID only. When you see the steel partitions hiding the cigarettes in all stores, in N.W.O. stronghold Ontario, it is about control and nothing else. They spin the health issues as the reason, but it is all about freedom and the public’s loss of it. It is the next phase in their police takeover of Canada. “Emperor” Fantino will be calling the shots, in the “new” Ontario.

In all government sanctioned tobacco manufacturers, they add all the deadly toxins and chemicals that really do cause serious health issues. So they can pretend they are saving us from the “evil” tobacco. Tobacco is one of the 4 sacred medicines on the medicine wheel. Creation provides all living things their original instructions. Tobacco collects thoughts as it was instructed to do.

This is a test by the shadow government, to see if Ontarians do anything about it, that is all. In my entire life I have never seen anyone die from smoking cigarettes, in fact I know many people who have smoked every day of their lives and are well into their senior years now with no desire to quit. People need to stand up for FREEDOM. If someone wants to smoke a cigarette that is their choice and their right. No one has the right to tell anyone else what to think, only what they think. I think they are going for it here in Ontario by getting the public ready for martial law and turning the police against the people they are supposed to be protecting. Don’t be surprised when the “jackboot” comes down on your head Ontarians.

We have been dealing with the nazification of Ontario since 1924 when Duncan Campbell Scott came up with the 100 year plan to get rid of the Indian problem forever. It was called “the Indian advancement act” and you can only get a copy at archives Canada. I suggest everyone sends their request to that agency as it is not even on the net, yet.

Everyone has the 1st human right of freedom of thought. The word “Government” comes from the Greek “gobernado” (to control) and “mente” (the mind). They are starting to show their true agenda now for all to see, total control of everyone’s thoughts.

If you have not called your local water utility and asked why they are still poisoning you with fluoride, you should do that today. I grew up in Toronto (cop city) so my brain has holes in it from ingesting fluoride for the first 35 years of my life. Fluoride was designed by the Nazis for mind control by lowering the IQ, it also causes many of the diseases that are rampant in Ontario today.

Welcome to the new Ontario. Wake up Canadians because what happens here is the test market for the esoteric agenda of the power elites. When the people hold these true criminal psychopaths accountable, Ontario will have peace and will spread it to the world.

Unity, Strength, Peace,
thahoketoteh of kanekota

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