Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Game

The Creators Game
I bring back an ancient story line about the origins of our national game Tewaraton (lacrosse). It is said that the game was originated by the creator and the original teams were the Four Legs and the Winged Ones. The Captain of the Four Legs was the Bear and the Captain of the Winged Ones was the Eagle.

The squirrel tried to join the Four Legs but the Bear, wolf and deer thought him to be insignificant to their team. They thought him to small and could not see him fitting in with their game plan. The squirrel then went to the Eagle and asked if he could join the Winged Ones because he really wanted to play.

The Eagle said that he had 4 legs and asked why he would not play for the Four Legs. The squirrel told him that he was refused by the Bear as insignificant. The Eagle then grabbed some down off of his wings and fitted it under the arms of the squirrel. Thereby creating the flying squirrel and put him on the Winged Ones team.

As the Game was being contested and getting down to the last minute all tied up, down came the flying squirrel grabbed the ball and made the pass that won the game for the Winged Ones.

The moral lesson in this story is that every mind counts in the big game of life.

Thahoketoteh of Kanekota

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